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Free Fire Shotguns

Free Fire Shotguns

In this guide, we will discuss Shotguns, a type of weapon that uses SG ammunition, and offer some tips and recommendations on how to use them effectively. SG ammunition is designed for SHORT-RANGE Shotguns, known for their multi-projectile cartridges that provide excellent stability, compensating for the lack of a muzzle. Shotguns are highly effective for taking out enemies at close range—the closer, the better! Their projectiles spread out over a wider area, making them less effective at long distances. 
sg ammo free fire

Shotguns use SG ammunition, below you can check their complete list!



The M1887 is a double-barreled shotgun known for its high damage and armor penetration, making it lethal in close-quarters combat.

  • Damage: 62
  • Rate of fire: 45
  • Range: 35
  • Precision: 10
  • Storage: 2
  • Recharge: 20



The M1014 is a semi-automatic shotgun that offers a balance between damage and rate of fire, suitable for aggressive playstyles.

  • Damage: 94
  • Rate of fire: 38
  • Range: 10
  • Precision: 10
  • Storage: 6
  • Recharge: 20



The SPAS12 is a pump-action shotgun that deals massive damage at close range, with a moderate rate of fire and reload speed.

  • Damage: 97
  • Rate of fire: 42
  • Range: 15
  • Precision: 10
  • Storage: 5
  • Recharge: 34



The MAG7 is a compact shotgun with a high rate of fire, making it effective in close-quarters combat situations.

  • Damage: 89
  • Rate of fire: 53
  • Range: 15
  • Precision: 10
  • Storage: 8
  • Recharge: 55

Charge Buster

Charge Buster

The Charge Buster is a unique shotgun that allows players to charge their shots for increased damage, offering strategic depth in combat.

  • Damage: 0
  • Rate of fire: 44
  • Range: 18
  • Precision: 31
  • Storage: 3
  • Recharge: 48
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