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What is a Gloo Wall in Free Fire?

Learn everything about Gloo Walls in Free Fire! Master their use, pro tricks, and common mistakes to dominate battles like a true pro.
What Is a Gloo Wall in Free Fire?
Gloo Wall (Image Via Garena)

Alright, let's talk about one of the most legendary items in Free Fire—the Gloo Wall! If you’ve played the game even for a few hours, you’ve probably seen those magical ice-like barriers popping up in fights. But if you’re a beginner, you might be wondering, what in the world is this frozen pancake doing in the middle of a battlefield?

Well, buckle up because we’re about to dive deep into Gloo Walls in Free Fire—what they are, how to use them, when NOT to use them, and some cool tricks that can make you a pro at deploying them. Oh, and don’t worry, I promise this guide won’t be boring (I mean, come on, we're talking about battle royale strategy here, not algebra).

So, What Is a Gloo Wall?

A Gloo Wall in Free Fire is a grenade-like item that, when thrown, creates a temporary ice wall. Think of it as an instant, portable shield that can protect you from bullets, grenades, and even some crazy rushers with shotguns. It’s basically the game’s way of giving you a second chance when you’re getting shot from all directions.

But wait—why is it called a "Gloo" Wall? Does it have something to do with glue? Nope, absolutely not. It’s just a fancy name. Maybe the developers ran out of ideas, or maybe they thought “glue” sounded too weak for something this powerful. Either way, it’s a lifesaver in Free Fire, and every serious player should know how to use it properly.

Why Is the Gloo Wall So Important?

If Free Fire had a "Best Items of All Time" award, the Gloo Wall would be a top contender. Here’s why:

  • Instant Cover: You can place it anywhere and take cover in the middle of a fight. No buildings? No problem!
  • Buys Time: Need to heal? Need to reload? Need to breathe for a second? A Gloo Wall can give you those precious moments.
  • Blocks Enemy Shots: Even if you're in the open, you can drop a Gloo Wall and stop incoming bullets.
  • Strategic Advantage: Pro players use Gloo Walls to trap enemies, block pathways, and even climb onto higher places.
  • It Looks Cool: Let’s be honest—there’s something super satisfying about dropping a Gloo Wall and watching enemies waste their ammo on it.

Where to Find Gloo Walls in Free Fire?

Now that you know how amazing Gloo Walls are, you're probably wondering, where do I get my hands on these magical ice shields? Well, they’re not super rare, but you won’t find them lying around everywhere either. Here are the best ways to collect Gloo Walls:

  • Loot from the ground – They spawn randomly in buildings, roads, and other loot locations.
  • Airdrops & Supply Drops – If you see an airdrop, there’s a chance you might find some Gloo Walls inside.
  • Buy from Vending Machines – Free Fire has vending machines where you can purchase Gloo Walls using FF coins.
  • Kill Enemies – If someone was carrying Gloo Walls and you eliminate them, congratulations, their walls are now yours!

How to Use a Gloo Wall Like a Pro

Alright, so you’ve got a couple of Gloo Walls in your backpack. Now, how do you use them smartly instead of just panicking and throwing them in random places? Here are some golden tips:

Use It for Instant Cover

If you're in an open field and someone starts shooting at you, don’t just run in a straight line like a headless chicken. Drop a Gloo Wall, take cover, and then plan your next move.

Use It to Heal

Got shot and lost half your health? Instead of running away in panic, place a Gloo Wall, get behind it, and heal yourself. Remember, healing without cover is basically inviting enemies to finish you off.

Block Enemy Rushes

If an enemy is running towards you with a shotgun, place a Gloo Wall in front of them. Boom! You just blocked their attack and bought yourself some time to react.

Create a Gloo Wall Bridge

Did you know that you can use Gloo Walls to climb onto high places? Just place one Gloo Wall, jump on it, then place another one on top. This trick is super useful in ranked matches where high ground can give you a big advantage.

Fake an Escape

A clever trick pro players use is placing a Gloo Wall and then moving in the opposite direction. This confuses enemies because they expect you to be behind the wall. Instead, you surprise them by attacking from another angle.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Gloo Walls

Even though Gloo Walls are powerful, misusing them can cost you the match. Here are some mistakes you should avoid:

🚫 Placing a Gloo Wall Too Late – If you're already down to 10 HP and THEN you decide to use a Gloo Wall, well... it's too late, buddy. Timing is everything.

🚫 Blocking Your Own Teammates – If you're playing squad mode, DON’T randomly place Gloo Walls in front of your teammates. It’s funny when they get stuck, but trust me, they won’t be laughing.

🚫 Placing It the Wrong Way – If you’re getting shot from the front, but you accidentally place the Gloo Wall behind you, congratulations—you just wasted a perfectly good shield.

🚫 Overusing Gloo Walls – Some players drop five Gloo Walls for no reason. Save them for when you actually need them!

Advanced Gloo Wall Strategies for Pro Players

If you want to level up your Gloo Wall skills, here are some advanced moves:

🔥 360° Gloo Wall Defense – If you’re surrounded, you can place multiple Gloo Walls around you in a circle formation for total protection.

🔥 Double Gloo Wall Trick – Place two Gloo Walls slightly apart to create a small gap to peek through. This lets you shoot enemies while staying mostly protected.

🔥 Jump + Gloo Wall Trick – Some pro players place Gloo Walls while jumping, which makes it harder for enemies to predict their movement.

🔥 Use Gloo Walls for Trapping Enemies – If an enemy is in a small room, you can place Gloo Walls at the exits to trap them inside. They’ll be forced to break the wall or die in the zone.


The Gloo Wall in Free Fire is one of the most useful, versatile, and fun items in the game. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, knowing how to use Gloo Walls properly can save your life, win fights, and make you look like a genius on the battlefield.

Just remember: Don’t waste them, don’t block your teammates, and don’t place them facing the wrong way. Oh, and if you ever find an enemy using Gloo Walls in a weird way—just take notes. They might know something you don’t!

Now go out there and freeze your enemies with Gloo Wall mastery! 

👉 Also, check out the Top 10 Most Rare Gloo Wall Skins in Free Fire to see the coolest designs you can use in the game!

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